Nartaki Lyrics

Hindi Lyrics > Nartaki

Nartakee is a 1963 film starring Nanda, Sunil Dutt, Preeti Bala and Om Prakash in lead role. Nitin Bose is the director, and Dhruva Chatterjee is the story writer. The film put forth a major issue in front of the society – women's education, which is important for liberalization and modernization. It also relays a message that education is the birth right of one and all regardless of their class and status. Then, no matter whether a girl wanting to become literate is a courtesan.

This is the list of all the songs from movie Nartaki we have lyrics for. Click on the links to see the lyrics.

Hindi Lyrics By Movie Title

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z