Mumbai Salsa Lyrics

Hindi Lyrics > Mumbai Salsa

This Bollywood movie released in the year 2007 and was directed by Mr Manoj Tyagi. The movie reflects on the life of four different pairs who meet at a bar by the name of "Mumbai Salsa." They accidentally hook onto each other. The movie captures the qualities of love and life in an urban setting. The star cast for the film is inclusive of Dilip Thandeshwar, Manjari Phadnis, Linda Arsenio and Vir Das in lead roles. The music composition for the film is done by Mr Adnan Sami.

This is the list of all the songs from movie Mumbai Salsa we have lyrics for. Click on the links to see the lyrics.

Hindi Lyrics By Movie Title

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z