Jaise Ko Taisa Lyrics

Hindi Lyrics > Jaise Ko Taisa

Jaise Ko Taisa is a hit movie based on the popular and tasted theme of twin brothers getting separated at birth, growing up in different environment, and then finally swapping each other's place in their adulthood. Jeetendra is in double roles in this film release in 1973. The film was hit, and two of its songs "Ab ke sawan mein jee dare rhim jhim sar se pani..." and "daiya re, paap ki naiyya re" are fantastic to listen and watch.

This is the list of all the songs from movie Jaise Ko Taisa we have lyrics for. Click on the links to see the lyrics.

Hindi Lyrics By Movie Title

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z