Holi Lyrics

Hindi Lyrics > Holi

This Bollywood movie released in the year 1984 and was directed by Mr Ketan Mehta. Ketan Mehta has been compared with Spike Lee, the US director. The film is based on a play by writer Mahesh Elkunchwar. The star cast of the film is inclusive of Aamir Khan, Om Puri, Ashutosh Gowarikar, Naseeruddin Shah, Deepti Naval and Shreeram Lagoo. The music composition of the film is done by Rajat Dholakia.

This is the list of all the songs from movie Holi we have lyrics for. Click on the links to see the lyrics.

Hindi Lyrics By Movie Title

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z